Discover a wonderful valley: The Gasterntal and all its hidden and visible beauties 

Beyond the narrow Chluse ravine above Kandersteg lies one of the Alps’ most classic glacial through-valleys. The rock walls enclosing the Gasterntal rise almost vertically to culminate in summits over 3500m high, in between the stream coming from the Glaciers takes advantage from the surprisingly broad valley floor and forms a protected landscape with wetlands, river forests, and alpine meadows of outstanding beauty.
On our hike we start in Selden, a now only in summer inhabited settlement, and soon the pastures turn into a rocky and wild area: The typical landscape formed from the glacial recession is a habitat of passionate pioneer plants and – of the hidden Edelweiss. Nowadays only a glimpse of the Kanderfirn glacier can be seen. After a snack we return on the other side of the river back to Selden and from there continue mostly downhill or flat through light forest and along the water on varied trails, until we reach the romantic inn of the Waldhaus. Depending the season your guide will show you the rare Ladyslipper, growing on places which are kept secret among locals! Easier to see in Alpine Spring are a lot of different blue gentians and other orchids and maybe we have a chance to discover some chamois, ibex and roe in more or less large distance. We may have a coffee at the Waldhaus before we follow the river, which soon turns into a torrent, all down until we reach the main valley. Walking through rich meadows along the now almost domesticated Kander river, we finally reach the small, friendly resort of Kandersteg.


Walking time: about 4h Ascent 187m, Descent 548m,  ▲-▲▲


This is an easy hike which can be done by everyone, but as we hike some parts on small, rocky and earthy trails Light boots or sneakers with a gripping sole are helpful. Please mind the seasons to expect different alpine flowers: Ladyslippers and blue Gentians end auf May, early June; Edelweiss in July and August.


90.- Fr.

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