"amor alpium optimus" or:  "The love for the Alps is the best "!

These words were found carved in a stone on the Niesen peak already in 1557. As founder of CULTURA MONTIS I wouldn't say this in such an absolute way, of course, but this enthusiasm for the Alpine world is the same I feel while hiking in the great landscape of the Alps.

And it’s exactly this enthusiasm I would like to share with you on one of the beautiful hikes CULTURA MONTIS offers.

CULTURA MONTIS is a small tour operator specialized on guided hiking trips in the Swiss Alps. Enjoyed company, a lot of fresh air, a healthy tiredness at the day’s end, the sights and insights you get; That's why a guided hike with CULTURA MONTIS means a perfect combination of gorgeous hikes with passionate and amazing background information.

Welcome foreign residents and travellers from all around the world!

I especially would like to invite foreign guests or employees staying in Switzerland to join a guided tour. As I know by my own experience, hiking is a perfect way to learn more about a country, its nature and culture. While you wander you surely will wonder about this country; thus, take advantage and ask your guide all your questions, discuss actual issues with your hiking mates and step-by-step on the tour you make a step towards feeling home in Switzerland.

The spoken language on our hikes is English and High German, and also French. We joyfully switch, depending the groups' need. Lessons in Swiss German are included for free… 

Now, as a first next step, please let your eyes wander over all the pages where you should find all the needed and hopefully tempting information.

In need of more information or personal advise on a hike? Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I very much would like to welcome you on a hike soon.

With kind regards,

Pascalina Wullschleger
